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(7 edits)

Hello Jerzy. I saw your post on pseudo3d and it was very useful to me. Your progress was incredible. 

I don't know if you've done the hills but I wanted to share the technique I was taught to get there if you don't mind.

First, in the update (very important), I initialize a variable which has the value of the screen height, like maxy=screenheight.

Then I add the hills to the roads list like:


  {ct=50,tu=0,bgl=bg_tree,bgr=bg_tree, hill=0},

  {ct=30,tu=-0.1,bgl=bg_tree,bgr,bgr=bg_turn_sign, hill=.05},

  {ct=30,tu=0, hill=-.09},...

Apparently, the values that give a better result are between -0.1 and 0.1.

In the drawscreen() function, I add a variable which will serve as the value of the yd variable:

-- direction
local camang, camyd=
camz*road[camcnr].tu, camz*road[camcnr].hill;
local xd,yd,zd = -camang, -camyd, 1;

Then I draw under one condition:

if(py<maxy) then





I add the calculation of the hill:


I did this under love2d so I made slight modifications in the drawroad() function : 

I deleted the line :

if(math.floor(y2)<math.ceil(y1))then return end

and :

rectangle(0,math.ceil(y1),screenwidth, (y1-y2)) becomes rectangle(0,(y2),screenwidth, (y1-y2))

I hope this will be useful to you as it was to me.

Ps: how did you fix the behavior of the npc ?

And your works are very amazing ! Keep it up and all my thoughts for Kebab.


This is fantastic - what a great first game. I really like the way the love for Space Harrier comes together with your love for the cats, and then throws in a little crank twist as well, brilliant combination all round.

Thank You very much! It means a lot to me! I always wanted to make games, just to give players some joy  🥹

What a cool way not only to keep the memory of Kebab alive but also share him with other people. I am continually impressed by games like this that push the Playdate to the edge graphically. 

Thank You for your kind words! Kebab passed away exactly a year ago in October, and I planned to make a game with him and my Koko a long time ago, so at last this is how I can pay him some respects. He was my friend's cat, but I was taking care of him quite often, and he became a buddy of my Kokos :)

Hello!  This looks great!  Wanted to let you know that when attempting to sideload, I'm getting an error: "pdxinfo is missing" from Panic.

That’s weird 🤔 how are you trying to sideload? Via panic website or by connecting device to PC? I included pdxinfo file and tested method with connecting device into pc and it should work 

Hi again! I just downloaded the file from the itch page, uploaded it via the panic website, and then downloaded it to the console. No problem on my side. Are you on Mac or Windows? And what's your console OS version right now? 🤔 Maybe try downloading file once again?  

I just downloaded a fresh copy from itch, uploaded on the Panic website and it worked fine.  

Not sure why it was failing before.  I had seen the error twice when attempting to load to website.

I'm glad that it works now! Maybe it is something with itch servers, as yesterday while I was uploading the game to itch, the first time the file was corrupted and I had to upload second time.